Lewie's Croft


PRESS - Scottish Field

We have been devoted readers of Scottish Field for many years, so we were thrilled when they reached out to feature Lewie's Croft, for their November 2024 edition. READ MORE


PRESS - Bo Concept

We just knew when walking into the Bo Concept showroom in Edinburgh that we found the right place to buy some of the bigger pieces of furniture for the house. And when they reached out to us for a photoshoot in 2024, we were delighted to welcome them to Lewie's Croft. Click here to view the Bo Concept case study


PRESS - Lam Lighting 

In October 2023, we welcomed David Lam to Lewie's Croft. Having admired, and being an enthusiastic buyer of David's stunning porcelain lights for many years, we were delighted when David approached us in the summer of 2023 for a photoshoot and promotional video. Click here for the full Lam Lighting article, and watch the stunning videos they created about Lewie's Croft. 


Lewie's Croft sees the light of day, at last.

In this blog, we reminisce on 5 big moments before the big reveal. READ MORE


Following the fine tradition of Responsible Building

In this blog, we discuss our vision for an environmentally friendly home, focusing not only on its construction but also on its ongoing operation and maintenance. READ MORE


The trails and tribulations of a sloping building site. 

Building on a sloping site like Lewie's Croft presented significant waterproofing challenges, requiring careful planning. In this blog we discuss our approach to waterproofing such as proper drainage, infilling, and concrete pouring, to ensure the building remains waterproof for years to come. READ MORE


Footings and Concrete: A cautionary tale

'Anyone who’s built their own home loves to tell war stories, it’s a route we’re keen to avoid, but every now and again one tale is so cautionary, it has to be shared for the common good: ours concerns concrete.' READ MORE


5 easy ways to make short of groundworks

In this blog we discuss our top 5 tips about groundworks, tried and tested on Lewie's Croft. READ MORE


The Q & A guide to house design with Stuart Bagshaw

In this blog we discuss our first inspiring meeting with Stuart. Admittedly, we were a little surprised when Stuart Bagshaw kicked off Lewie's Croft’s briefing with such a simple question. After all, he’s won rafts of awards for his organic Hebridean vernacular architecture, so we were expecting a lot more ego, and a lot less inclusion. READ MORE


A full-service architect isn’t a luxury

In this blog, we explore the value of hiring an architect on a full-service basis and the key considerations when selecting a contractor. Two fundamentals to get right we believe. READ MORE


A is for Architect: Do your research, trust your instinct.

Choosing the right architect is vital to the success of your project. From understanding your vision to managing the budget and technical challenges, the right architect ensures your ideas come to life seamlessly. Cue Stuart Bagshaw, our genius architect for Lewie's Croft. READ MORE


Lewie - a 18th C crofter with a great eye for a view

Continue following our build journey, read about the initial challenges of planning and transforming a cart track into a usable road - huge sigh of relief all round! READ MORE


How to build a Highland Home - AKA Project Passion

Our First Blog Post! Read all about the beginning of our journey with Lewie's croft aka Project Passion. Holidaying in Cove with 2 small children and unruly dogs, and simply falling in love with the rugged landscape and remoteness of the area. READ MORE


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